
Obituaries Submission Form

Obituaries Submission Form


Note: Please use the first name first and last name last. Please use "Title Case" like "George Washington" and not "All Caps" like "GEORGE WASHINGTON".


Click the "Browse" button to locate the photo on your computer. NOTE: Photos will be cropped and resized to 150 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall.

Your Name


This information is used to verify your relationship to the deceased and if we need to contact you for more information.


Phone format: (###) ###-####


Please enter a valid email address.


Schulte & Mahon-Murphy Funeral Home
5252 Mayfield Road, Lyndhurst, OH
Phone: (440) 442-0000

Murphy Funeral Home
95 S. Franklin St., Chagrin Falls, OH
Phone: (440) 247-3400

Nicol-Wells-Kloss-Murphy Funeral Home 
5252 Mayfield Road, Lyndhurst, OH
Phone: (440) 442-7020


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